Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yusuf al-Qardhawi & malas membaca

Berikut saya terbitkan kembali kenyataan (terjemahan) yang dikatakan pernah ditulis oleh Dr Yusuf al-Qardhawi. Tidak semestinya saya bersetuju dengan analisa dan pandangannya. Tetapi sebagai renungan bersama, kita mungkin boleh bahaskan di sini:

Kekuatan akal kita disia-siakan

Kekuatan akal kita sia-siakan, kerana kita bagaikan burung tiung hanya suka meniru. Kita tidak mahu berijtihad, tidak suka mencipta sendiri, tidak kreatif, senang menghafal daripada berfikir dan lebih senang mengutip fikiran orang lain, baik fikiran pendahulu kita ataupun masyarakat lain, kerana kita menganggap tidak perlu bersusah payah berfikir sendiri.

Suatu ketika dahulu Moshe Dayan (bekas Menteri Luar Israel), menyatakan secara terbuka cita-cita dan keinginan negaranya. Dia mendapat serangan dan kecaman dari bangsanya, kerana mereka khuatir pernyataanya itu dibaca oleh bangsa Arab (umat Islam) dan rencana jahatnya diketahui. Namun dengan tenang ia menjawab serangan kaumnya, katanya: “Tenanglah, pecayalah padaku, bangsa Arab (dan juga Melayu – penterjemah) tidak akan membacanya, kerana mereka tidak suka dan malas membaca”.

Inilah kenyataan pahit yang dimiliki suatu umat yang ayat pertama dalam kitab yang diturunkan kepadanya memerintahkan; “Iqra” (bacalah).

Ternyata mereka malas dan tidak suka membaca. Kalaupun membaca, mereka tidak pandai memahami, kalaupun memahami, mereka tidak bersungguh-sungguh dalam melaksanakannya.


Anonymous said...

The problem with this Malaysia country: Too many cronies greedy hands that are asking for easy money, instead of creating and earn for it!

The government can come up many plans, but nothing will succeed. Since Mahathir became prime minister, the plans are for cronies to become rich. It is good to have long term plans to develop and to set direction for the future, but in Malaysia it is more for the ministers and cronies to make good bucks out of it.

Firstly, the government must be transparent in awarding contracts, improve the existing infrastructures, weed out corruption, which are in dire state.

All in all, they actually want is to see the reverse of what it is now, i.e. the malays in control of everything.

As pointed out, the plan is not going to improve racial harmony as the NEP has been extended further. The government must plan to remove the crutches provided to the weak communities and allow them to progress on par with other races.

As long as the malays have the subsidy mentality, 100 years of NEP will not accomplish anything. They will forever be a backward race.

Take it away from him/her, the child will cry out. Forget about the 50 years as I am willing to bet my top dollar that it will last forever. The NEP will never die off and Umno will fight to the very end to make sure that it will go on forever.

I agree with one. Most youngsters now are ignorant of their rights - and many (among my own group of friends) have not registered as voters although they are eligible.

It may even be 100 years and we still vote for BN because it seems we have no choice at all. However, we all capable of making radical change through ballot box but still reluctant to do it since everyone fear of change.

The question of building a just and fair society is a dead idea. Malaysia is already in the history book of legally accepting apartheid of a minority. There is no other possible historical interpretation.

If Malaysia is lucky, it will be said and apologized for it some day but if it is unlucky, it has to live in denial and eventually implode.

We should stop discussing this digging grave policy. Let us join the ruling (since we cannot beat it) - make our money and think of what other country we can emigrate to.

Anonymous said...

The problem with this country: Too many cronies greedy hands that are asking for easy money, instead of creating and earn for it!

The government can come up many plans, but nothing will succeed. Since Mahathir became prime minister, the plans are for cronies to become rich. It is good to have long term plans to develop and to set direction for the future, but in Malaysia it is more for the ministers and cronies to make good bucks out of it.

Firstly, the government must be transparent in awarding contracts, improve the existing infrastructures, weed out corruption, which are in dire state.

All in all, they actually want is to see the reverse of what it is now, i.e. the malays in control of everything.

As pointed out, the plan is not going to improve racial harmony as the NEP has been extended further. The government must plan to remove the crutches provided to the weak communities and allow them to progress on par with other races.

As long as the malays have the subsidy mentality, 100 years of NEP will not accomplish anything. They will forever be a backward race.

Take it away from him/her, the child will cry out. Forget about the 50 years as I am willing to bet my top dollar that it will last forever. The NEP will never die off and Umno will fight to the very end to make sure that it will go on forever.

I agree with one. Most youngsters now are ignorant of their rights - and many (among my own group of friends) have not registered as voters although they are eligible.

It may even be 100 years and we still vote for BN because it seems we have no choice at all. However, we all capable of making radical change through ballot box but still reluctant to do it since everyone fear of change.

The question of building a just and fair society is a dead idea. Malaysia is already in the history book of legally accepting apartheid of a minority. There is no other possible historical interpretation.

If Malaysia is lucky, it will be said and apologized for it some day but if it is unlucky, it has to live in denial and eventually implode.

We should stop discussing this digging grave policy. Let us join the ruling (since we cannot beat it) - make our money and think of what other country we can emigrate to.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the prime minister of the last 22 years, Dr Mahathir, has mixed politics into every aspect of our civil life. The privatisation of public utilities and transports, the management of Proton, Petronas, Malaysian Airlines, banks and the Renong have all been influenced by Malaysia politics.

As a result we, the people in the last 22 years have inherited a rotten education system with more than 60 percent of ethnic Chinese in Chinese-type schools and a substantial number of malays in Sekolah Agama Rakyat or private Islamic-type schools.

A system where one group is taxed for the benefit of another group will only work if the taxpayers feel that the tax beneficiaries are selected on the basis of economic need, nothing else. As a proud taxpayer, I know that taxation is necessary for the maintenance of the social contract.

The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to religion, gender, ethnicity and age.

Our government is filled with people who do not fundamentally understand the forces of free market and capitalism and the economics. They think they do, but they don't.

Many of them have grown rich under the NEP which they think has not hurt anyone and hence they think that open competition, market force and free market is something that can be tamed.

For those that come from a poor background, the situation seems almost impossible as their rich neighbours only seem to keep on being rich. This is because the rich are always fewer in number while the poor are many.

The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.

Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Pak Lah has done in his first year in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.

There is still concentration of power in the prime minister's position, a practice inherited from Dr Mahathir.

There is still a lack of urgency and political will to tackle corruption. Many cases involving politicians are still pending while new cases do not seem to get the attention of the Anti-Corruption Agency for reasons best known to them.

The law enforcement which was once among the best of Southeast Asia is now reportedly the most corrupt government agency in Malaysia. The judiciary, once also respected in the world and the region is now not a respected place where Malaysians can find justice.

And just like his predecessor, he is not living up to his slogan. In fact as home minister, he is not such a nice guy after all.

Anonymous said...

First off, I am a new migrant to Australia.

My whole family migrated here a few years back to ensure a better chance for my siblings and me to get good tertiary education. I am now at university doing a professional course, the entrance examination was done in a fair and meritocracy manner, without any hidden agenda.

How can one do great things when one's own country won't let one do medical studies even though one has scored straight As in the STPM? Heck, one doesn't even need to talk about getting into a medical course. I know of one senior who scored all As and applied for pharmacy, but still failed to get that.

How do you expect these bright students to feel when they are instead asked to do courses like 'agriculture' or 'wood technology'? Sorry, but such reasoning, no matter what its basis, just doesn't hold any water for me.

The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.

I have know what I can do for my country in the future, but the more I think about it, the more I begin to wonder: What has the nation really ever done for me? Does it really deserve my help now?

All the letters on politics, government and migration point to one fact; we have not found our identity, purpose and vision.

The worth of any nation is in its people. I believe the greatest challenge now is for Malaysians to find themselves, to face the realities of the day, to find the moral courage to do the right thing.

The world is rapidly changing and if we don't find our place in it others will do it for us. It is a tremendous task for the country leaders to accomplish, given the current globalisation trend and the highly competitive world environment.

Anonymous said...

The prime minister was quoted earlier to have said that the Barisan Nasional has fulfilled its election promises with the unveiling of the 9th Malaysia Plan. Here is a list comparing the BN 2004 Election Manifesto and what has transpired since then.

I urge the prime minister to re-read his own manifesto before making grandiose but fraudulent proclamations.

On corruption and abuse of power, the manifesto said:

· BN will continue the all-out campaign against corruption, without fear or favour.

The reality -

· "Umno does not intend to report the cases to the ACA. We have our own mechanism." - Radzi Ahmad, Umno secretary-general, on money politics in Umno.

On economy, the manifesto said:

· Your opinions and views continue to matter as Barisan Nasional endeavours to implement people centred policies.

The reality -

· "I hope the public will not question the money saved………." - Prime Minister Badawi, March 17, 2006, on the RM4.4 billion saved from fuel subsidies.

On education, the manifesto said:

· Barisan Nasional has worked hard to provide universal access to education. We will……….foster student interaction to enhance national unity.

The reality -

· "I will never allow non-bumis to enter UiTM. I will ensure that the percentage of malay students given places at public universities will always be higher than the percentage under the previous quota system." - then Higher Education Minister Dr Shafie, Umno General Assembly 2004.

On human rights and freedom, the manifesto said:

· Barisan Nasional safeguards the interests of all citizens. We listen to and act on the hopes and aspirations of all groups regardless of age, ethnic, gender, and religion.

The reality -

· "We will not think twice about using this law against anyone who incites - that is why we still need the Sedition Act and ISA (Internal Security Act)." - Nazri Aziz, March 20, 2006.

On parliament and democracy, the manifesto said:

· Barisan Nasional is strongly committed to parliamentary democracy, which gives each citizen a say in the administration of this nation.

The reality -

· "We used the whip (once) so they had to follow, now it is the same………." - Nazri Aziz, Dec 21, 2005, on the forcing of women BN senators to vote for the Islamic Family Law bill.

On religion and culture, the manifesto said:

· BN upholds the diversity of religious practice, language and culture.

The reality -

· "Members of uniformed services, including the police, must abide by the regulations on the wearing of their uniforms." - Badawi, March 27, 2006, on the compulsory wearing of the tudung by non-Muslim policewomen during official functions.

Anonymous said...

In Japan people commit hara-kiri if they have erred. Here Malaysia we have half past six ministers pointing fingers at each other. See the big difference? Our ministers here their skin is thicker than Kobe beef.

Anonymous said...

"Malaysians must now assess themselves by the international yardsticks."

I thought we did. We compared ourselves with the likes of Ghana and other third world countries and we came out tops. It made us feel good and strengthened our belief of Malaysia Boleh. Way to go Barisan Nasional.

Actually Najib was the one who compared Malaysia with Ghana as we were granted independence at about the same time. I guess he was trying to find something good to say about our country and he must be scraping the barrel trying to find one.

Don't be naive. This is our problem today. We use benchmarks that make us look better than we really are. We are losers in the end if we continue to delude ourselves. Let us compare ourselves to an undiscovered and barren land with nothing on it.

We would look even better. Why Ghana? Don't insult the Ghana, as they are smarter than we think. Maybe they are even less corrupt than us. At least, they do not pretend about it.

I wonder why the need to apportion blame on the British for all our woes be it with the system of government or the people running it? Can't we just acknowledge the fact that our society is simply too docile to even make an impression on the ruling elite?

The condescending attitude of those in power is not because of the British but purely self-made. It has come about because Umno has been in power far too long. We are to be blamed for the woes and not the British. The faster we rid ourselves of this delusion, the better it is for everyone.

I am grateful to the British for what we are today. Imagine what it would have been had we been colonised by the others?

Mistakes committed by the administration should not be apportioned to our colonial masters alone. Our woes are our own making. Why must repressive laws be instituted to curb civil liberties? Yes, ISA was the brainchild of the British but it was for a reason. Should the law be perpetuated?

I am just trying to say the obvious. Why must we blame the British for all our woes, after all we have been an independent nation for almost half a decade now.

We cannot go on blaming the past for our present. We have power over the present. What is past is gone and we cannot do much about it. Thus, look at the dinosaurs. The future belongs to those responsive and flexible to change.

Let us give the British a break. And through this talk and other medium of communications endeavour to change the mindset of Malaysians, especially the ruling elite. Our arguments therefore, should be relevant and not grossly off-tangent to create an impression that our mentality is still infantile.

The problem lies with a ruling party that wants to hang on to power for as long as it desires. It does not care whether it is done the right or wrong way. If something is not right blame it on the British. You have a convenient scapegoat. It is that simple.

The moment we stop passing the buck the better it is for all of us. I would rather take the bull by its horns than blame others for my lack of courage.

Anyway I strongly feel this country is being run by a bunch of incompetents, led by the most useless leader the country ever had.

What is really wrong with our country? We are being led by a "Mr Clean" who is himself be far from clean. Just look at what his son-in-law, his son, his sister-in-law and his brother are doing.

All he can say is that "I don't know". He is either stupid (obviously not, in fact, we are more stupid in the last election) or a hypocrite. Take your pick.

In Malaysia, we have very few critics, very few who would dare tell the emperor that he is wearing only a "sarong". Worse that sarong is slipping down fast, exposing his ass when he stoops down.

Even fewer still would dare suggest that the prime minister should substitute a pair of trousers with a belt, and suspender instead of merely refolding his sarong. Staying with the sarong, even he has folded it up again, would result in it slipping down again.

We must benchmark ourselves against established standards so that we do not mislead and lull ourselves into a state of complacency. We can always improve in whatever we do, that is what I mean by the word "progress". Nothing stays the same.

We have to be like the cougar, the fastest in its family, not political "fat cats" of course. We need to hone in our sense of survival and be constantly in a challenge-response mode.

We have to think outside the box, reconfigure, innovate, and be better than the competition in the region and around the globe. Success depends increasingly on speed, flexibility, agility and adaptability.

The emphasis in the plan in my humble opinion should be on intellectual capital formation. Education in science, mathematics and information technology is the foundation. Human capital is a pre-requisite for sustainable economic development.

Most of all, we need to believe in ourselves and that we can achieve our goals. "Malaysia Boleh" must not merely be a slogan, but should be embedded in our national and individual psyche.

Anonymous said...

Having done business in Malaysia for donkey years now, I cannot think of another country that has such overt racist policies - stretching from education to entrance to government employment to politics to banking preferences.

Up until now we could blame the mad doctor Mahatir, whom someone should bend over and he has always had it in for the Chinese, then Westerners and in the end anyone not malay or muslim - good riddance to him and more power to those that want to make Malaysia a more liberal and prosperous - based on merit - place.

Anyone want to join in a class action defamation suit against Mahatir for his famous sentence that all Americans and Europeans practise buggery? Love to drag this guy through the courts. He has been venting his poison without consequences far too long - silly old bugger………..

Anonymous said...

From a Malaysian point of view, we have attracted low-cost immigrants from neighbouring countries, whilst we are losing our best and brightest, particularly non-malays.

On the surface, we may still be doing fine if we can attract a high number of immigrants from neighbouring countries. However, we have a significant poverty percentage, a severe income disparity among malays, and high graduate unemployment also among malays

The conflicting signals tell us that our economy is based on weak labour fundamentals. Simply put, for the vast middle-income and lower-income earners, their labour is simply not competitive.

These are the people with the biggest incentive to migrate because they are losing their competitiveness. However, the people that are most able to migrate are the wealthiest and brightest.

This is where the NEP is self-defeating. By raising the income of the malays while not increasing their competitiveness, it provides the means as well as the incentive for them to migrate eventually.

Evidence also suggests that migrants do not view themselves as unpatriotic. Rather they feel betrayed by their government and society who cannot fulfil their needs and ambition.

The evidence already exists. Go to Perth, London and California and you will see very bright malays who choose to be remain there despite knowing they can do very well and probably better in Malaysia.

As it gets harder to continue the NEP and there are fewer extraordinary opportunities available, Malaysia will not only lose more non-malays but will also lose a very significant number of malays too.

Migrating people are usually highly trained and skillful. Marry these traits with the raw resources of their host countries and you have a potent mix, which can propel the host countries to greater economic development.

I do not think Malaysian society in general is bothered about who emigrates and who doesn't. There appears to be a lackadaisical 'good riddance' mentality prevailing. Paradoxically, and much to your disappointment, the Malaysian government recently announced that it will welcome ex Malaysians who can invest and contribute their talents.

The problem, in a nutshell is a social one and it will take more than a lifetime to clean up. We who have migrated have correctly concluded that we will not see a new Malaysia during our remaining days on this planet earth.

Like it or not, a country best assets are its people - especially its productive ones. Any country that does not value its productive citizens certainly does not deserve to benefit from the fruits of their labour.

Anonymous said...

In Malaysia, apes abound not only in our jungles, but in our universities, schools, and other institutions. This mentality is so well rewarded that even academics like professors are joining the crowd.

"Cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang" will remain a slogan if we do not encourage critical thinking but instead we reward people who only know how to "suck up" to their bosses.

So we all have a choice: we can be either a people who subscribe to "bodek", that is just be apes, or those who are open and critical, can emulate what is the best, and relevant for their own advancement and the nation. In short, be a leatherback turtle or just a "katak bawah tempurung"!

This episode clearly indicates that decision making in this country at the highest level are not made based on principles but on personalities.

If the decision-making process had been based on sound principles, it would outlive any change of administration. And it is disgusting that we have a spineless cabinet that blindly rubber stamps any decision made by the top man whoever that may be.

50 years is enough for crook government! Are we still need crook politicians?

Until and unless we have cabinet members capable of exhibiting the level of independence of thought, we will have to treat all so-called "cabinet decisions or approvals" with a large dose of skepticism and scorn.

And it is wistful thinking to believe we can achieve "first world mentality" when our "leaders" behave no better than "third world lackeys".

The true examples of rotten apples are the Barisan ministers and cabinet members. They simply uneducated and do not have principles, when Mahathir planned to built half crooked bridge, they unanimously agreed because he was the prime minister there. And now when Pak Lah said that we cannot build the bridge, they agreed too because he is the current prime minister. What kind of idiots we have in the cabinet!

The previous administration grossly lacks foresight, and they are shallow and narrow in their minds. A planner and dreamer will eventually achieve his/her plan and dream. Which one would you bet on to achieve results? Is the previous administration a planner or dreamer?

The damage has been done. Time to do damage control. We must move on. Let us pray that all have learned a valuable lesson from this issue. Those truly responsible if they have any conscience will live with this in their mind forever, and they know that will have to face their creator someday.

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